Tantric University for Health, Healing & Business Health 

Wisdom & Immortality Begin When Time Stops



Who The inspiration.

If you have never been with a master, you are just REPEATING AND ASSUMING WHAT you may have read and heard somewhere. Here you access the key to who you are. Thorough your training I Whoensure that the confusion of what you have been lead to believe and what is your truth becomes clear.

You begin your walk of your truth not mine or anyone else's.

I am a guide your support as you travel though the vaults of memory and influence. In every way I support you in you first experience. That first experience accesses a your dreams and realities.

Most influential part of my life was my personal commitment to be treated with value. Above all I value myself.

When you value you. 

You KNOW, FEEL, SEE, VALUE in another.

I have worked and trained with the best of business experts, shaman. Shaman definition, (especially among various original people) is that a Shaman is a person who acts as intermediary amidst the physical and spiritual worlds. Further trained and travelled with healers, supported personal development coaches 'personal therapist to Anthony Robbins', Asian masters and teachers at all times studying and living success in every area of my life.
Many challenges were met throughout my life.

Refined the ability to support clients to enter into altered states of consciousness - consciously.