Tantric University for Health, Healing & Business Health 

Wisdom & Immortality Begin When Time Stops



Kundalini Healing

How function spiritually. Align your physical body at any given time.

My Kundalini Chakra Alignment Massage Services incorporate foundations of 9 additional key elements.

Begin with developing solid ground between you and me.

This is to ensure you remain grounded even during the intense spiritual feelings.

Your soul chose to be born to feel itself on a physical plane. It cannot have these experiences where it came from.

Soul has come here to develop itself, for that it needs a healthy body

So far you have been living as a humanoid – ancient cultures used to have ceremonies to bring the soul, body, spirit, mind emotions together.

This ceremony balanced the mind and emotions in the process.

If you are having sexual difficulties or marital problems of any kind; this is due to disassociation from your soul.


  1. When the mind is busy, this creates fragmentation.
  2. Your soul wants to be part of your physical intimate relationship.
  3. During your treatment I will guide you in connecting to the new feelings that arise during your healing journey.
  4. This profoundly affects the frequencies of our consciousness and our perception. Everything has a vibration.
  5. Any great healer or personal development coach brings emphasis to this fact.
  6. Whatever we are exposed to we attract into our life.
  7. Be mindful of who you hang out with whether it be online or on the physical plane. You are affected.
  8. When you’re working with the Ancient Secrets and traditions of the depths of the soul the Western misinterpretation approach does enter into it at all.
  9. Our conditioned mind steps aside and is no longer infected.
  1. Whether you are a sex addict. have Sexual function issues. Deep relationship issues. Life overwhelm. Stressed. Business concerns. Some issues may be stemming from Deep trauma, or Sexual abuse. Other controlling factors that continue to mess with your ability to live a deeply. Engage in satisfying and fulfilling life.
  2. If you have had physical injuries of any kind including surgery, the process is all about linking all of you.
  3. Or come to explore aspects of you that you are not aware of!
  4. We actually work with the cellular consciousness to heal your body and your life.
  5. Begin by softening the bindings of other people’s influences.
  6. We begin by softening the bindings of other people’s influences.
  7. Every cell in your body has encoded in a the truth about your life.
  8. Every cell in your body is your Wisdom. You will discover this yourself.
  9. Every cell has its own brain is an lymphatic systems and digestive system. Imagine all your cells linking with each other.
  10. Communication reestablished.
  11. That’s trillions of cells pulsating in perfect harmony.


  1. This is the foundation of our work.
  2. The quality of our emotions reflect state of all our internal organs.
  3. When all of you is present and happy, loving is easy.
  4. Healthy internal communication equals healthy external relationships.
  5. What's on offer;
  6. Couples Relationship.
  7. Tantra for women.
  8. Tantra for men.
  9. Dealing with Sexual abuse.
  10. Loss of passion.
  11. Healing after injury or surgery.
  12. Life direction.
  13. Personal Fulfillment.
  14. Business challenges.
  15. Personal frustrations in life.
  16. Direction.
  17. Identifying issues.
  18. Reconciliation.
  19. Other personal issue.